Friday, February 22, 2008

Guest Blogger

Kathy is working like a dog this week, her words not mine, and the kids are out of school today. So Dad is home this morning with the kids and nothing to do. We can't go outside because it is raining, sleeting and just plain cold. I'm setting by the fireplace with Emily and we are watching a sappy Keith Urban video. A good memory in the making for sure but somehow I need to insert some testosterone into this moment. I was hoping for a manly video next but Taylor Swift was next - Emily's favorite. I guess the Dad card trumps the man card every time. Besides the boys wake up grumpy and Emily wakes up with a smile - she is contagious. She even went and got dresses first thing this morning. Not only got dressed but put the shirt on that I bought for her. "You throw like a Girl"- I'm not sure she gets the irony of the shirt but she loves it because I do. I thought I would update Kathy's blog since she will not be able to update for a while. I'm really trying to understand the attraction to this blog thing. One paragraph down and I still don't get it. I'm sure blogging is triggered by the same gene that causes one to keep a journal. I can't (won't) keep a journal either.

The Thompsons are humming along just fine. Probably too well. Life is flying along way too fast. The kids are already planning summer events and I planning 2009 projects at work. Didn't we just celebrate New Year's last week? Oh I know what happened. I spent 3 weeks in New Jersey. As the old joke goes - it was the worst 3 MONTHS of my life. That is an odd place for sure. I would tell you more about that experience but I have successfully flushed it.

OK, I have used up all my creativity. I tried blogging and I don't get it. I will leave it to the pros.

In the Army we end all correspondences with an obligatory quote. Today I leave you with an appropriate quote for my efforts:

Without struggle, there is no progress. Fredrick Douglas


Carol said...

John, I'm impressed you could even get into blogger to post. You are da man!

What the heck is Kathy SO busy doing? Workin' that job of hers?

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