I just realized that there is only half a bottle of Diet Coke left in this house. That, my friends, is bad news.
It's raining. I think this will be good news to Ethan. I think he is wanting a little break from football practice today. They haven't cancelled it yet, though......we'll see. He has been sounding like an old man at night after practice. "Oh man, my hip really hurts." or this joint or that joint. It's pretty entertaining. We like to make fun of him.
I am anxious to see the lake all the way up. Our dock is looking pretty good. We were only two feet low the other day, which doesn't sound bad, does it? I would think the water would be pretty close to the shore line at "only two feet low", but nope. It's still about ten or twelve feet from the shore line. Maybe we will get lots of good, drizzly rain today to help out. Except that I don't want Ethan's game cancelled tomorrow. It will be the first one I will get to go to this season. They have been on Tuesdays and I have a class on Tuesday evenings. So, finally one on a Thursday. Hopefully, they won't have to cancel.
I am supposed to writing a paper, but I don't want to. Listen, evidenced based treatment of community acquired pneumonia is a wonderful thing. Writing a paper on evidence based treatment of community acquired pneumonia is NoT. Just not. I am making all kinds of excuses to avoid it. Like.....I need to update my blog. It sounds very convincing, doesn't it?
Emily has dance tonight. Another good reason not to write my paper. She loves dance. She had an awards ceremony last night. That I did not get to go to because it was Tuesday and if you'll recall, I have a class on Tuesday evenings. She made perfect scores on her SOL tests last year and they celebrated yesterday by taking all the kids who made perfect scores out for pizza before the awards ceremony. John did not even get to go. We need more hands. Actually, what we need is more drivers. I can't wait for John to be able to drive. (Ethan and Emily are another story) Anyway, John had to take John to the airport, pick up Ethan from football practice, and try to make it Emily's ceremony. Wow! What a dad! Sadly, he got to the school just as the kids were walking out of the auditorium. Poor Emily! We ARE SO proud of her! Perfect scores on BOTH tests. Cute, smart, and funny! How often do you get all that in one person??
Our 20th anniversary is coming up on the 27th. Not sure what we are going to do to celebrate. It seems like a really big deal, but we are soooo busy. I think we will go to DC and do something fun. 20 years?!?!?! It doesn't seem possible. What a great time we have had together. Well, I won't get too neck deep into that right now. That should be it's own post, shouldn't it.
Alright, alright....I will go back to paper writing. Love to all.
must have been that Waco water that gave us such fabulous girls....I think they would have been good friends, they sound so much a like ;)
I wouldn't be writing no boring paper either sister!
ps.. thanks for your comment, I'm struggling with some publishers remorse, I knew it would be hard to post but I made myself do it!
No publishers remorse for you! It is a beautiful post from your heart.
The paint in my living room is Peanut Brittle, the paint in the foyer I can't remember the name of, but it's a pale lime green. It's a happy color. I'm going to keep it for a long time, but the living room needs a change.
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