Monday, February 16, 2009

Sleeping babies.....

I am Emily's Little Kumquat!

Well,  two out of three is not bad, as they say.  Ethan would not go to sleep to save my life.  He is a good actor, though, don't you think?  He looked like he was genuinely sleeping in the first picture. I love to watch Emily sleep.  She looks like a little angel, doesn't she?  I am practicing taking pictures with a suppressed flash.  It takes a lot of patience and no breathing allowed while trying to hold the camera still enough to get a decent shot.  

I bought a new dress today that I think looks an awul lot like a moomoo dress, but I like it.  It's very comfortable.  Or comfortabibble as Ethan says.  I would take a picture of myself.....however, my hairdresser had a bad hair day....with MY hair.  Oh my.....I should take a picture of it, but I just can't .  I have had my hair pulled up on top of my head ever since trying to hide it.  I have an appointment to have it fixed on Wednesday afternoon.  I can't wait.  She left the bleach on too long on my highlights and they are WhItE, not blonde.  Even John had a hard time finding the upside.  And he usually doesn't even know I've had my hair done.  There was NO missing this.  Just ask him.  He is coming home ToMoRrOw. 


Anonymous said...

hello my little kumquat!!!! So are you going to have a good time at school tomorrow???? I bet you are. MY LITTLE KUMQUAT!!!!!!!!

Love your dearest daughter,Emily

Karen M. said...

What precious pictures, I sometimes long for the days when I could peek in and see my children sleeping, I miss them so much now that they are grown and so far away. Make sure to treasure every minute you have them in your home, it so quickly is gone.

Carol said...

oh my
good luck with the hair.
you betta post a pic
after yer gorgeous again!

cute little sleeping angels, especially the one who's tongue hangs out!