Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Ethan's birthday celebration

And I don't have any pictures, because I forgot my camera. I'll take one on his birthday. Dinwiddie County High School's football team went to state this year. And Ethan loves football. So, he wanted to go. He was the only one who wanted to go, so it became his birthday celebration. The game was played in Blacksburg, VA at Virginia Tech. 3 hours away. And it was supposed to be REALLY cold that day. Initally, Emily and I were not going to go, but since it was Ethan's birthday gig, we were now invited to go on "The Man Trip".

Let's just start with Friday night. We stayed in a hotel there since it was so far away. Got there, got our hotel just fine. And now we have to decide where to eat. Ethan gets to choose the restaurant. All he wants is a good hamburger, so I call the desk at the hotel and get his suggestion. He tells me "Go to Macado's, great hamburgers". We get there, has to be the right restaurant, right? How many of those can there be? WELL, they Do. NOT. sell hambugers! No, they don't. Never have, even. Sandwiches. They make sandwiches. Well, we discover this after we have already ordered an appetizer and drinks. Ethan is very upset, Ethan style, for those of you who know him. Still, cute as a button, though. I love that boy! So, we finish up there, give the waitress a handsome tip for having to put up with us and go somewhere that has hamburgers. Guess where!! SoNiC. But here is the most important question......Was the birthday boy happy??? Yes! Success at last. So, all's well that ends well. Back to the hotel, wear the kids out at the pool, and hope they will sleep well.

So, Saturday morning, game was sooooo cold. Bundled the boys up after breakfast and take them to the field. And I'm thinking they are not going to last long. We saw a few snow flakes on the way to the stadium. Emily and I???? Shopping. In a warm mall with hot chocolate. Yes. We had so much fun shopping, eating a girly lunch at Panera Bread, followed by more shopping. The boys lasted almost the whole game. I was so impressed. And it snowed on them the whole time. John doesn't particularly care for football like their dad and Ethan, and he never complained.They finally decided to leave in the 4th quarter when it was clear that.......Dinwiddie was getting beaten. 37 to 13. Pouty face here. But our team played very hard.

So, the drive home was fairly uneventful except that it snowed almost the whole way home. Poor little Emily has been getting car sick. Mostly when she reads, but this time she was just playing a game on her DS. About 30 minutes before we got home the snow turned to rain, so no snow at our house waiting for us. I felt so cheated. It was so fun to drive home in the snow and watch the snow collect on the houses all decorated for Christmas. What fun!

1 comment:

Carol said...

oh, your such good parents to take him to his game! but you've got it right, go shopping! what fun.