Thursday, September 11, 2008

From the desk of Nurse Thompson

I am updating my site from my desk at the high school. I'm surprized it's not blocked, although I'm sure it will be shortly. I'm eating oatmeal for lunch, pretending it's a cheeseburger. Not workin' out very well for me. I'm so hungry!! I tried to reach John several times now, so he could bring me a REAL cheeseburger, but he is not taking my calls. And he'll pay for that later. I'll give him oatmeal for dinner.

The AC in the high school has not been working this week and I have been too hot. Now, it's fixed and I'm.....guess what.....too cold. Never happy.

Alright, I better get back to work before I get fired. Ya'll take care! And someone send me a pizza.


Carol said...

oatmeal???? say it isn't school cafeteria oatmeal???? i send you the most delicious in-n-out burger ever..........................there, now wasn't that good. oh and some fries and a diet coke.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yuuuuuuuummmmmmmmyyyyyyyy!

Anonymous said...

You can always eat out. Why don't we try that tonight????????PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!