Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Poor Car

 I'll tell you the funny part first.......I was on my way home to take John to the DMV to take the test for his Learner's Permit.  Hahahahahaha!  Murphy's Law reigns in the Thompson house.  And sooooo......I was driving down the road, minding my own business (those of you who have heard stories of my experience in the ER will appreciate that), looked down for one second, and found myself in the ditch on my side of the road.  Over-corrected and ended up in the ditch on the opposite side of the road.  I hit the ditch straight on, which is what killed my poor car.  It really doesn't look that bad from here does it? ....Heavy sigh....

This was all I got to take home with me.  Sad, I was, yes, yes.

It just doesn't look all that bad until you look way up under there.  Then it looks ugly.  I loved that car.  Was going to drive it for a long, long time.  And furthermore, can you see that those tires are brand new?  Another thorn.

1 comment:

Carol said...

dang girl!!!!!
that totally stinks....sorry to see that happen ;(