Friday, June 11, 2010

Emily's Jazz Routine

As promised, here is the video of Emily's jazz dance, so you can all agree how wonderfully talented they all are.

She had field day today. I'm so sad I couldn't go. Today is my first psychosocial class. Blech!!! I do not enjoy psych stuff. Do not!! I would rather be with Emily. I hope she is having a good day. John is in the dunking booth at a party at his school. Wish I was there too. Wonder if they would let me dunk him. Wouldn't that be fun??? And Ethan is having a regular ole day at school. He has had football practice everyday after school for the last two weeks, so he has been sleeping well. And now he will have a break for about 3 weeks and then start up again and there will be NO break until after the football season is over in the fall. Crazy!

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