Friday, May 16, 2008

Breaking news.......

Emily had a follow up appointment with Dr. Kalluri yesterday. And her broken bone is in perfect alignment. Hippee Skippee!!! We love Dr. Kalluri, but his office was sooooo busy yesterday. It took FoREvEr to get out of there. Her appointment was at 10:40. Ethan went with us. John would have gone too, but he had a state aptitude test. Ironically, it's called the "SOL" test. It really stands for Standards of Learning, but I know what you're thinking. WhO thought that would be a good acronym??? Anyway, I digress.....So, her appointment was at 10:40. We didn't leave that place until almost 1, one, oNe, ONE pm. We were so hungry. Really, like we were going to start chewing on the furniture or each other's fingers! And we had to go to McDonald's. I will be SO very glad when I don't have to go there anymore. When we finished our lunch, which was about 30 seconds after we sat down, there was not a crumb left. Not one. Nothing left for the cockroaches.

1 comment:

Carol said...

I've pretty much got my kids trained into thinking McD's is crap. They have learned there are much better options out there. Hallelujah!

Good to hear about the bone!