Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thompsonisms, take 2

Some I forgot....Emily helped me remember.....

I love you, I love you, I love you ( you have to say it like Buddy the Elf)
Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?
Can I offer you a cup full of shut up?
Shut up, no you shut up, no you shut up, no you shut up
Congratulations, the world's best cup of coffee (seeing a trend here?)
Have you seen these toilets, they're ginormous (what family doesn't say this over and over?)
Put that in your bubble gum wrapper and chew it

I had these rolling through my head last night so I had to get 'em down before I forgot them and I had one on the tip of my brain but it left me before I could get it typed out. So, look out for Thompsonisms Take 3.

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