Monday, April 20, 2009

All that hard work and agony......

and it was agony at times....getting the staples out of the subfloor was torture. And if you will look you will notice in one picture we have a red nail gun and in the next picture we have a yellow one. That is because the first one did NoT work. And it took us a whole day to figure out that it was not operator error. What a waste of time! But here's the good news--John and I did not kill each other getting it done. We work pretty well together. The kids helped even. John used the chop saw, Emily laid the boards in place, Ethan hammered them in place, and dad nailed them in. It was quite a little sweatshop we had going. There were no injuries, thank goodness. We ate out until we were sick of it. Alrighty, I'm off to make cookies, this was the teaser.....I'll post final pictures.....later.

1 comment:

Carol said...

what???? you don't like carpet???? i guess hardwoods ok.....J/K! i'm totally jealous, you wanna come do mine?