Monday, July 4, 2011

Where ARE my tissues?????

Emily graduated from 5th grade this year! Can't believe it! I didn't think I would get so emotional. Didn't really hit me until the middle of the ceremony. Oh my! And isn't that dress so cute? She tried everything in the store on, really wanted that one from the start, but I was thinking I wanted something a little more 3 year oldish. Eh, well....sue me. She won a medal for honor roll, got perfect scores on Reading and Math SOL tests. And the Linda Glass Reading Award. No surprise there. She can read 4 or 5 books at a time. She keeps them all opened and stacked on top of each other to hold her place. HOW does she keep up with the stories? That would be so confusing for me. School has been out for about 3 weeks now and she has already read about 12 or 13 books. The blonde woman is her teacher, Mrs. Whitt. The woman in the purple shirt is the librarian, Mrs. Gilley. Emily has decided that she is going to be a librarian. And I didn't even get a picture of her receiving her big reading award. My camera has a love/hate relationship with the auditorium at that school. It was in hate mode when she posed on stage at that moment. So she won almost every award they were giving out that day. No child of mine will ever win perfect attendance. I firmly believe in mental health days. Everybody needs one every now and then. And there was a little girl who got recognized for perfect attendance from Kindergarten through 5th grade. Wow!
So, now we gear up for middle school. Will we survive???? We'll keep ya posted.

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