Lots of photos. Let's see.....we'll start at the top. Ethan at a football game. He has been opposed, recently, to having his photo taken so all I'm getting is the back of his head and from far away. He plays tight end on the offense, defensive end on the defense. Tight end is a position in which you are on the end of the line and you must hold the ball very tight. Defensive end means, also, that you are on the end of the line and that you must be defensive about all comments made to you during the game. That is what I don't know about football. John says I must add that Ethan starts on both the offense and the defense, which I do Really know is impressive. He practiced all summer and went to a really great camp, so he was ready for the season.
The thing that Emily is holding up is an anemometer. It is something she is learning about in school. Hers was the only one that worked when the class tried to use it. Did I mention that I have the best kids? I shouldn't really have to; I think it is obvious. The next picture is Emily sleeping. Also I guess I have to mention that I have the cutest kids. Isn't she just precious?
And then John on the tractor. Doesn't he look so proud? He loves driving the tractor. Mowing the grass. John (husband) looks the same way when he is mowing the grass. Must be a "men and their tractors" thing. We have so many rocks in our yard right there. The boys are trying to get them all picked up and take them down to the lake.
Next picture is Thompson version of Where's Waldo.....Where's Emilytha? We have been calling her that since she was 2. Ethan had a birthday party and a little girl in his class came to the party. Her family was new to the country and she could not say Emily's name without adding "tha" to the end and we liked it. We also call her "toots", Smelly Gayle (Gayle is her middle name), what else? I think that's it.
And last....John in front of the cat tower he made. Isn't it cool? And the cat is trying to play with his hair. The cat loves it. He likes to tease the dog and then run up there where the dog can't eat him. It's so funny.
And now let's see.....what's going on in our house? School is going well for everyone. Even me. Well, let me qualify that. I'm not doing so hot in research. My instructor is from another country and she is difficult to understand, plus crazy, plus I don't like research to start with, plus the test questions are not well worded, plus, plus, plus......I could go on and on. I will pass the class and just move on..... But I am doing very well in all my other classes, which is the way it should be. The things that will make me a good nurse practitioner, I am doing well in. I love my pathophysiology class. I love to know exactly why something is going wrong in the body. It's very exciting. John is back from Alabama, glad to have that two weeks over. It's been a great weekend, going to hate when he goes back to Baltimore tonight.