We just got home from our neighborhood trunk or treat and got second place for our display. That contest was totally rigged. Not one display there was better than ours. (If I do say so myself!) And, I can't offer proof of that because I....um....forgot my camera. But I'll tell you all about it. It was Emily's idea. And what a great idea! She thought we should have a haunted dinner. So, we used our two skeletons, black flowers, black candelabra, a torn, ratty looking tablecloth, and even a brain for their dinner. We found a brain mold and froze pink lemonade so it would look like a real brain for their dinner. It was a very romantic affair for two skeletons. We had purple and orange lights and dry ice. It could not have been more perfect. Well, they started before the sun set so you could really get the real affect of the lights, but it was still great. Who coulda beat that???? And so, there is our medal for second place. We will not rest until we get first place. We will spend the whole year planning. BUT--we will be ready and we will win first place in the Waterford Landing trunk or treat and we ShAlL rule the WORLD!!!!! Bahahahahah!!!!!!!! (Someone get my pills and straightjacket, I may need them soon.)
1 comment:
they clearly do not know who they are dealing with!!!!
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