John is home from his trip to Indiana with the FFA. He had a great time. He even bought me a shirt that says "My son went to the National FFA Convention in Indiana all I got was this lousy t-shirt". I love it! And it was the right size. What a great husband he is going to be. They all look so nice all dressed up. We got to watch some of the convention on the RFD channel. Rural Farm Something TV. Anyway, some of the speakers were really great and motivational. It's hard to believe they are all so young. So, he learned some things and did a whole lot of playing---and shopping. He went to Boston in September to a youth leadership conference sponsored by the Army. We encouraged him to buy a souvenir and he barely spent a dime. Well.....he was completely over all that when he went to Indiana. Completely. He was in the mood for shopping. Bought himself some shirts, an FFA hoodie, a new John Deere wallet, and presents for everyone at home. He succumbed to peer pressure and tried a blazing hot wing at Buffalo Wild Wings and it made him sick. Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Blaha did such a great job taking care of them. Saturday they got up at 3am to make it to the airport in time for their flight. He looked tired and glad to be home. I'm glad he was glad to be home. It was good to have him home.

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