I cannot seem to end the streak of bad luck that I am having.
#1. Burned my neck with a curling iron a couple of weeks ago. So bad that it is going to leave a scar. AND everyone thinks it's a hickey. NICE!!!!
#2. John's cell phone battery was not holding a charge. Ordered a new one. I got it out of the mailbox. Wasn't quite ready to go inside the house, so I threw it into my car. Right into a box that was going to Goodwill. You guessed it.....John's cell phone battery went to Goodwill.
#3. Dropped my cell phone into the bathtub. BUT, I got a little reprieve here. It didn't work for a couple of days, but after it dried out it's working again.
#4. Drove John's truck into the side of the garage door. Already posted if you want to see a picture.
#5. John drove my car last night and left it in first gear. Wasn't expecting that, I always leave it in neutral. Started the car this morning and let my foot off the clutch. Lurched forward and took out the lawn mower and the weed eater. They made a great buffer between the car and the wall of the house. I didn't think the damage to the car was that bad. I took it to a body shop after work just to have it checked out. Well, there is the cosmetic damage that I knew about, but also, the radiator is just barely hangin' on. I'll post the pictures in a couple of days. I'm having trouble with my internet, it's loading too S L O W.
Sooooo, when will this streak of bad luck end. Ya'll sit perched on the edges of your seats. We'll see what happens tomorrow.
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