38 men and boys were sent to the Americas even before the Pilgrims came. They were sent from the Berkley Castle in England. The plantation that they settled here was destroyed by Indians twice and most of the settlers killed. So, the plantation was left in ruins and forgotten until the 1700s when the famous Harrison family bought it. Benjamen Harrison the 4th signed the Declaration of Independence, his son William H. Harrison became the 9th President. The famous president that served for only a month and a day before succombing to pneumonia. And a later descendent, Benjamen Harrison, also served as President. Lots of history took place in this house. The tune, Taps, was composed on the plantation grounds in 1862. It is the place of the First Thanksgiving. President Bush gave a Thanksgiving Day Address from here last November. Ethan's class went here for a fieldtrip today.

Construction was started in 1721 and finished in 1726. And I complained about how long it took to finish our house! Geez!!!!

Ethan and his buddies.

Ethan and me at the edge of the James River where the very first Thanksgiving Day celebration was held.

Ethan picking flowers for his mommy. That boy is so sweet! He is going to be the BEST husband.
It was a great fieldtrip aside from the FREEZING cold!!! I am so TIRED of being cold. How can it be so sunny and so cold at the same time??? It's the wind that is keeping us cold. I am so ready for some HEAT! Then you can listen to me complain because it's too hot. NeVeR happy!
what an awesome fieldtrip...thanks for taking us along! btw, yer lookin' gooooood.
Kent's twin is with Ethan. Don't you think the gentleman with the grey hoody on looks a lot like Kent at that age?
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