Saturday, December 3, 2011

It's so fat.....

..... We ran out of lights.   So there it sits half wrapped in lights waiting to be all dressed up.

A gift?? For me???? You shouldn't have.....

.... No really..... You shouldn't have.   Bad kitty!   And he just looks at me as if to say "What!?" Just like a teenager.   Poor little bird.   In this picture of Clyde, it was a very cold day.   He was sitting on the vent to warm himself.   He stays in trouble.  We are all tired of what a pain he can be but no one can get rid of him.  

Friday, December 2, 2011

Who's Ready???

Well,  I guess it's not decorated yet,  but Isn't it beautiful?   It was the biggest one I could find.   Love it!

This from Emily......

Sometimes I feel like a child.    I'm still laughing.  Hahahahahahahahaha!!