Wednesday, February 29, 2012

It's amazing what a new pair of shoes can do for ya.  and a new dress, 2 new pairs of pants, and a new belt.  ;)  Even if it is all to wear to work.  It feels good to look nice.  And those shoes are SO comfortable.  I may still be slightly grouchy by the time I get to go home, BUT....I'll be grouchy in style, right???  I drove the salesman at that shoe store crazy.  I believe they will lock the doors if they happen to see me coming back.  I tried on 8 pairs of shoes and wore these around the store for probably 30 minutes before committing.  They really aren't shoes you'd wear out on a date, but it is so hard to find shoes that you can stand in for 12 hours that don't look like grandma shoes.  These are a nice balance.  They make me feel tall. let's talk about work.  I haven't been posting on here very regularly because I have been very busy working.  And getting used to my new job that is also a new career for me.  I'm really very happy that I did this.  Started on Christmas day.  And it has been a HUGE adjustment for me.  So many new things all at once.  New career, new job, new computer system, etc., etc., etc.  And on days I leave the place thinking I'm doing well, I can just bet on the next day being rotten!  There are moments when I'm reassured that I really am smart and there are moments when I wonder how I made it through school and feeling like the biggest idiot.  But I still love it.  I'm learning a lot and I have great support there.

And I have the best fans ever!  It's good to be loved.  John and the kids have been very loving to me when I come home depressed and mad.  Even when I come home happy.   Emily puts notes in my lunch.   and ...........

HEY!!  Guess what!  There are only 118 days (they make an app for that) left until we go to TEXAS! Woohoo!  We are all so excited!  Haven't been since we moved to Virginia.  Going to spend a couple of days in Palestine and a week in South Padre on the beach!  I cannot wait!

1 comment:

Carol said...

i'm sure you are amazing!!! and probably all settled in by now ;) how fun you get to go to Texas, i totally miss it and would love a trip back one of these days.