Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tired, I am.......

 Midnight release of Modern Warfare 3, BABY!!  And also I am having Yoda Talk Syndrome.  We just read a book called The Strange Case of Oragami Yoda.  Very funny book.  Like choke on your drink funny.  I am really looking forward to the next book:  Darth Paper Strikes Back.
OK--so I should have Greatest Mom in the World status today.  Sadly, though, when I asked Dear Little Ethan to do his chores this morning (they are out of school due to voting) he was still a 13 year old boy.  Too bad for me!  Thought it would take until 3am to get to the front of the line, but it went pretty quick.  There were 300 games pre-ordered there and we were number 300 in line.  I can't believe I didn't take pictures.  We took one of Ethan's friends with us and they really had a good time.  Makes me smile.  And now before you all start saying what a bad mom I am for letting my child play an M rated game, let me just tell you that it has a graphic control setting that lets you tame the game down to a T setting.  So there!  

Look at the proud owner of the newest.....most exciting.....game.....EVER!!  He needs a nap!.....but not until after he does his chores.

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