if bad things come in groups of threes, I should be able to jump out of a plane today without a parachute on. Enter bad thing number one--ran over something in the road on Friday the 13th and now my car needs new tire rims. Winner number two--slipped on a plastic bag on Ethan's floor and fell over his weight bench. I cried like a baby. It hurt so bad. Like Satan stabbed his fiery pitchfork right into my leg. John got to be my favorite child for the afternoon because he came and checked on me. Hugged me and told me it was going to be ok. What a kid! I love moments like that. When I feel like I can see into their future for just a split second and see what a good spouse/parent they are going to be. Enter contestant number 3........the rental car.....yes, the rental car. The DAY I picked it up, which would be yesterday....driving to Richmond. A strip of tire from a big truck was in the next lane over to my right. (I would just like to point out that I am very aware of items in lanes now.) OK, so it was not in my way, it was not really in the way of the van in the right lane, but I guess it spooked him. SO, he swerved towards it....why? Totally took over my lane like I wasn't even there, ran over the piece of tire anyway, and sent it flying in the air towards......my rental.....yes. It struck the car on the right side and left black marks all the way down the side. So, there, now I get to jump out of a plane without a parachute.
So, now let me rave about the Magic Eraser for a moment. There is just nothing those little things won't clean. Got all those marks off the rental car. Couldn't believe it. I use 'em everywhere. Clean the nasty soap scum from the shower, the oily stains from the stove, and the black tire marks from the car. Amazing! So, stock up folks, they're magical.
Emily is having a BUSY week. She is taking SOL tests this week. That would be Standards of Learning. She is having dance recital practice every night this week. Dance recital Friday and Saturday night, and final showing of Oliver on Sunday. Whew!! She will not know what to do with herself next week. She will probably take naps every day after school.
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