Emily and I went to the see the Richmond Ballet perform Romeo and Juliet today. Emily’s thoughts on Romeo and Juliet:
1. She was reading the synopsis of the acts and got to the end and stated “How stupid! They both die.”
2. We have never been to that theatre before so I got the worst seats possible just to see how far back is too far. Plus I knew this ballet was not going to be the one we would want to spend that much money on. So, I say to Emily: “I wonder what the dancers must be thinking while they are dancing across the stage. How much fun must that be?” And Emily says: “I think they are thinking ‘those poor people sitting way up there at the top didn’t have enough money to get better seats.’” Stinkin’ spoiled brat!!
3. I made the comment that the stairs were very steep getting to our seats. And she said: “Yeah, I think I lost a dress size.”
4. At the end of the play, Emily says: “well, how sweet they die together.” She thought it was sweet because I always say that John and I will have to die on the same day. Well, now, I don’t say it every day all day long, but she’s heard me say it. And to that comment she added sarcastically: “And they all died, unhappily ever after.”
BUT she loved the ballet. She’s a dancer so she really loved all the dancing. I think she was expecting some talking, but all in all she had a ball. Cheap seats and all.
1 comment:
that girl! you guys are so funny!
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