His name is Clyde. Clyde the cat. And I cannot figure out why oh why all my text is being underlined and furthermore, can't find a way to turn it off. We, actually, got the cat a couple of weeks ago. I just haven't posted it. Shame on me.....because I know you all are waiting with baited breath to have all the information about the Thompsons you can get. Sorry! So, back to the story at hand. This is Clyde. We adopted him from the animal shelter. He has got to be the best cat. Puts up with Emily toting him around like a champ. He even likes the dog. Does the dog like him? Eh, I don't think so, but he does tolerate him. He's a people kind of cat. He likes to be held and petted. He likes us. The only thing I don't like about this cat is that he likes a morning massage. And he wants it at about 5:30am. Yea....that's not any fun. Not even when I have to get up that early. You know those cat tree things you see at PetSmart that cats climb and play on? The big ones are like a hundred dollars or so. My John built one for Clyde and it looks just like those and we hardly spent any money at all on it. I'm so proud. Just dreamed out what he wanted and built it. And....the cat loves it. He has a perch way up tall that he likes to sleep on. I need to post a picture of that.
Alright, that's the cat story. And since I know you guys are not getting enough of this underling business, let's talk about something else. It's getting on my nerves. The kids start school next week. Tuesday. They say they aren't excited, but they really are ready. We had a great summer, but now that I have started school they are getting a little (a LOT) bored. So, they are ready. John and Ethan had open house last night. We walked through their whole schedule so they won't be so anxious on the first day. Alright, class is about to start. Off I go.
1 comment:
say it isn't SO!!! a cat??????? my throat is closing just thinking about it! i guess somebodies gotta love em...glad you do ;)
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