sweet little Ethan, is playing football. This is his first year. Practice started this week. No injuries yet, but they haven't really done any tackling yet. The tacklers practice on a different part of the field. Next week, they will come together. And that will be the real test, I think. For me and him. The weather has been beautiful. It feels like fall. This time of year I remind myself that this is one of the reasons I love Virginia. I had to put a jacket on last night.
Our schedule this fall is going to be daunting. Ethan has football practice 3 days a week with games on Saturday. John is playing tennis. Practice 2 days a week. I don't know when his games will be. Emily is playing soccer. I don't know about practice yet, but her games will be on Saturday. And she has dance 2 days a week. Oh, and don't forget about school and homework. Good golly!!
This is what football practice looks like for Emily.
TAKE IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emily Gayle, I am NOT taking that picture off the blog. No way. Love ya, though.
That’s my boy – The future Heisman trophy winner. Dad is so proud and I will be home soon.
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