Saturday, August 16, 2008

I have a new job

Just on a whim, I decided to interview for a coveted school nurse job. Not really planning on getting it, you know those are the jobs that are posted, but they always already have someone in mind. Well, guess what!! They hired me! Probably because I am the only goofball who would agree to such a paltry salary. We will go back to eating beans and rice for a while. A LONG while! I am going to stay at the hospital on an as needed basis so I will have a place to work in the summer. I am looking forward to it. I hope it is everything I imagine that it will be. I am going to be working at the high school. Unfortunately, it is not in the district where we are. It is the next county over. Too bad, but maybe a spot will open up in our county next year.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun with Foam Shapes

This is what happens when you have 5 kids in your house that are all punch drunk. They were hilarious putting this together. Nonstop laughing. I love moments like that. And for those of you who don't know.....if you have a can view pictures on your tv and do fun things with them. Ethan was trying to take a serious picture because he is posing as General Burnside, a Union General that fought at the battle of Fredericksburg. He made a huge mistake in that battle that got thousands of Union soldiers killed. But we just thought it was so funny that his name was Burnside and he had the biggest, puffiest sideburns we have ever seen.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Football Practice sweet little Ethan, is playing football. This is his first year. Practice started this week. No injuries yet, but they haven't really done any tackling yet. The tacklers practice on a different part of the field. Next week, they will come together. And that will be the real test, I think. For me and him. The weather has been beautiful. It feels like fall. This time of year I remind myself that this is one of the reasons I love Virginia. I had to put a jacket on last night.

Our schedule this fall is going to be daunting. Ethan has football practice 3 days a week with games on Saturday. John is playing tennis. Practice 2 days a week. I don't know when his games will be. Emily is playing soccer. I don't know about practice yet, but her games will be on Saturday. And she has dance 2 days a week. Oh, and don't forget about school and homework. Good golly!!

This is what football practice looks like for Emily.