Let's walk down memory lane, shall we? Long ago in a land not so far away. Georgia to be specific. My mom came to see me. This is really a good story....I dropped John off on one side of the Atlanta airport to go some Army class in the land of cheese (Wisconsin). Drove around to the other side of the airport and picked up my mother. Little did she know we had negotiated the sale of our house the day before and we were scheduled to close on the following Friday. The buyer had cash and wanted to close in one week. And since houses were not moving at that time, right after the 9/11 attack, we said we could comply with that request EASILY. Famous last words! We thought it would be a piece of cake. After all, my mom was coming and the woman can work circles around me STILL. And so, she got in the car and I told her the good news. I thought she was going to get out of the car and walk back to the airport. Because helping your daughter pack up her house with 3 small children running under your feet is exactly what you want to do on vacation, right? Especially when her dear husband is MIA. First we had to find a place to move to. Found a place. That took all day. But we had started packing the night before, so some things were done. Thankfully, John had made good friends with a mover that had done some things for him at work and he agreed to move everything if we would pack it up. The next day I was packing inside and my mom was packing the garage. Ethan was in the garage barefooted. He lifted a heavy can to hand to Nana and dropped it on his big toe. OH MY WORD!! You would have thought someone died in our house. That poor toe turned black immediately. Poor Ethan. I laid him on my bed and sat there beside him thinking the worst of the pain would subside in a few minutes. You know, like when you stub your toe. Well, 30 minutes later he was still peeling the roof off the house. Everyone else was glad to be in the garage despite the heat. So, I finally decided to take him to the doctor. Let me just say, his car seat was right behind mine. My nerves were shot by the time we got to the doctor's office. Dr. Beeber...I'll never forget him. We had the immediate attention of everyone in the office. And, as luck would have it, Dr. Beeber declared he could do nothing for Ethan. We needed to see an ortho doc. AND as luck would further have it....all the ortho docs in the area were either out of town or out of the country. Ethan is still screaming. REaLLy. And so, suddenly we have to see an ortho doc on the other side of Atlanta. So, thankfully, John wants to go. He provided a little distraction for Ethan. Home to get John and off to Atlanta, and hey don't forget, it's the OTHER side of Atlanta. More than an hour one way. The xray revealed that the toe was indeed broken, and I'm still wonderin' what the heck they can do for a broken TOE. They casted his leg from toe to knee. Truly. They built the cast out about 2 inches from the toe to protect it. The doctor said big toes are important for balance and it needed to be immobilized while it healed. The tech comes in to cast Ethan's leg and I thought I was going to have to take him out. He kept asking Ethan why he was crying, because, yes, Ethan is still crying. Not screaming, but still crying. He kept harassing Ethan and at first I try gently to tell him to back off, then I really have to tell him to back off. After the leg is casted and we are on the way to check out the tech comes back to ask him again why he is still crying. I unleashed on him. What the heck??? I did feel better afterwards, though. He provided a great outlet for my very distressed nerves. And would you believe the doctor did not prescribe any narcotic pain reliever for Ethan. Motrin. Well, that was not going to do it for me. So, when we get in the car, Ethan is hurting more. It did come in waves, so now he is back to screaming. Poor John, he was such a champ!! And remember Ethan's car seat is right behind me. I called Dr. Beeber and asked for narcotic pain reliever. And he said "I think Ethan is a convincing argument for the use of narcotics in children". AMEN!! We got pushed right to the front of the line at the pharmacy. Oh, and my mom called to tell me that Emily has been throwing up for a couple of hours. And she would continue to be sick for the entire week. We took stock in Calgon that week! I told you this was a good story. It is a long one, though. I think I will do it in installments. Enjoy part one for now.
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