This is what happens when he just refuses to do what he's been told.
Poor thing! Really, something blew into his eye when he had his head in an A/C vent at work. A foreign object was embedded in his sclera right, directly over his pupil. Couldn't have been a worse place. We had to go to the ER. Fortunately, his wife has some connections there and he was able to see a doctor right away. The doctor numbed his eye and scraped the foreign object out with a needle. She did have a burr removal device on hand, just in case. Picture a small dremel. But, thankfully, she didn't need it. Scraping the object off the sclera created a small defect there that will take a few days to heal. He will have some light sensitivity and irritability for a few days and then he will be just fine. JOHN--next time wear safety glasses!!
This is an edit to this post--John insists that I announce to everyone how brave he was throughout the procedure. How hard can it be to be still when there is a needle coming right at your eye? And he didn't even budge. You are tough, baby!
And now I have to edit this post AGAIN because John made a comment. I do believe that John would rather drive the car with one bad eye on a rainy night than be seen having his wife drive him anywhere.
And that picture was taken at midnight after getting home from the ER. I look pretty dog gone good at midnight after getting poked in the eye with a fat needle. Kathy did "forget" to mention that she made me drive home from the hospital after all that happened to me. I am tough baby.
You are probably right however, I was not given a choice. I was told to drive home and given my vulnerable state how could I argue?
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