I changed my background just to help remind ya'll how few shopping days there are left until my birthday......February 1st.....of the which, I will be 35. No comments please!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Someone's Having a Birthday??
I changed my background just to help remind ya'll how few shopping days there are left until my birthday......February 1st.....of the which, I will be 35. No comments please!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Happy Birthday Ethan

Monday, December 22, 2008
A day in the life
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Ethan's birthday celebration
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Money isn't always the most important thing
Here is our tree. That's about the only thing I have up so far. Wait...I do have my village set up. I need to go take pictures of it. This is the first year we put so much effort into the village. It actually has a platform....ooooo....ahhhh. It looks pretty good. BUT, we put it in the room with the piano and I can't stand not having it in the living room. Next year.....
And now for the rest of the story....money isn't always the most important thing.....candy is. Just ask Ethan. The kids got these cute little plastic candies stuffed with money and candy one year from Nana Ann and Grandpa Bill. I noticed that the blue one and Ethan were both missing one evening and went looking for them. Ethan was walking down the stairs with chocolate stains all around his mouth and candy shoved in his pockets. The money?? Tossed aside in his closet. That was not what he was after. Silly boy! I can't believe he used to be that little. He has a birthday coming up. Golly, he will be 11! My little Ethan is not so little anymore.
Monday, December 1, 2008
The Christmas Tree Ritual
We have always had a live tree. We enjoy going to a tree farm, picking out the perfect tree, chopping it down and getting it home. We really had a good time this year too. The tree is not exactly what I envisioned. I wanted a really tall tree this year, but there weren't any really tall ones at the farm and we drove 2 hours to get there, so we had to get it there. We had a really good trip. Once we picked the tree out, John got to work cutting it down and everyone else started playing. He's such a hard worker.
Emily gets car sick if she reads too much so we had to take an unexpected pit stop on the side of the road so she could pull herself together. She was very nauseated. She looked so little standing there beside the truck feeling so bad. She sat down on the ground because she felt so crummy. And her crazy mom took the camera out and tried to take her picture. Did not make me very popular. I put the camera back in the truck and turned around and she was laying on the ground. Poor, poor Emily. She's so tough.
And now since I said something about John and Emily, I guess I have to say something about Ethan too. Ethan, Ethan, Ethan.....what can I say about Ethan??? He is currently possessed with football. Our county's high school football team is going to state and the state game is on Saturday. Ethan is bent on going, but it is 4 hours away. And dad does not want to go. It will make for a LONG weekend. Sooooo, we'll see how that pans out.
I have such wonderful children. I love them all so much! They make me happy. They have homemade presents for each other under the tree. They are all so unique and lovely in their own special way. Christmas shopping for them is so fun. When I think I have found the perfect present it is such a feeling of triumph. John is usually the hardest to shop for, but this year he is making out like a fat rat. He does NOT like me saying that. He gets giggly and it makes his grossed out for some reason. He has been really easy this year. And come to think of it, his father has been easy to shop for this year. He is also doing very well in the presents department. Ethan and Emily have been difficult this year. Emily is moving out of the toy era and she is not quite into electronics. Ethan has switched gears on us a little bit. He moved from Star Wars into the Civil War and now he is into football, BUT football stuff can be VERY expensive. Sooooo, what to do.....I'll let you know after Christmas day.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
ahhhh, I am so stuffed.....
Emily said her teacherr said "I stuff the turkey and then the turkey stuffs me." Oh, so true. And now that dinner is over, the kitchen clean, and a pie in the oven.......NOW I can update the blog. John is nursing his pop knot with a good nap. Poor thing. I want you to know, THAT was the best Thanksgiving dinner I have ever prepared. Everything turned out great and it was all done at the same time. Ya know how, inevitably, something gets done first and then gets cold while everything else is finishing--I always have that problem anyway. The turkey was moist, the potatoes fluffy, the dressing, a new recipe in a crockpot, was awesome. It could not have been better. Well, if all our family was here it would have been better. The first thing I thought was well, that means Christmas dinner will be a flop. John, ever the optimist, said that just means I am "perfecting". What a guy! And now John is napping, the kids are outside playing and I get to plan out my morning of shopping tomorrow. I was not going to go, but Emily wants to go so bad, we will try it. We won't be long. I need to get some painting done in the house. Will it ever be done? I don't think so. When I get the last of the painting done, I'll just start over. But I enjoy it.
Why don't you do it?
You would think I would know better than to ask Kathy a question today. "Hey Girl, when are you going to update the blog?" Oh how I wish I could think before I speak. She is fully engaged with the excitement of Thanksgiving dinner and I'm so bold as to ask about a silly blog site. Normally it would have been a benign question but today it was the straw that put the pop knot on my skull. A pop knot that a calf could suckle I might add.
So I volunteered to update the blog site today while Kathy finishes the Turkey. I was supposed to smoke the turkey but my attempt at smoking a butt was a disaster. I know it is sophomoric but I have to laugh every time I say smoke and butt in the same sentence. So we will have the traditional oven baked turkey again this year. I like tradition so it is just fine with me. A traditional Thanksgiving for me is; Turkey, Dressing, Cowboy Game sprinkled a couple of Naps. So according to tradition, I’m off to eat, sleep and wait for the game.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Snow Day
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Studying for the 3rd grade science and social studies test
Emily Gayle was hilarious. The question is--"I visited my aunt and uncle in WASHINGTON DC. They took me to see this monument. What is it?" (It's a picture of the Washingtom Monument) Emily says "The Eifel Tower". I laughed and laughed. So, then, when she got the answer right, she said "the Washington MoMument". That girl! She's so funny.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My sod
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
90 miles per hour
I feel like that's the speed we are going all day long, all week long, since school started. Oh, my word!! I hate thinking I can't wait until football and soccer are over, but golly. Ethan's class did a performance on Tuesday night, and he got his award for being such a smarty pants and getting perfect scores on the SOL.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Meek and mild Emily......
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Can you pass the Xanax please?
Well, what else can I tell you? I have been yelled at by a parent and a student today. A first for both. So far, everyone else has been really sweet or at least civil. And I'm very happy here. It's fun.
Alright, speaking of work, I better start doing some before I get fired. Hope you're all happy and well. Kathy Jo
Sunday, September 21, 2008
My new air card
Thursday, September 11, 2008
From the desk of Nurse Thompson
The AC in the high school has not been working this week and I have been too hot. Now, it's fixed and I'm.....guess what.....too cold. Never happy.
Alright, I better get back to work before I get fired. Ya'll take care! And someone send me a pizza.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Just an Update
s l o w. It won't tolerate the uploading of pictures.
So, Ethan is doing very well with football. We had pictures last night, so we will get those on Tuesday and I'll post them promptly. John starts tennis next week. And then, the next week Emily starts dance and soccer. Ethan has a scrimage (don't know if that's spelled right.....I don't really know what it is, actually) game tomorrow that is likely to get cancelled due to the weather. Hanna is headed our way.
I have completed my first real week of being the school nurse. It has been more busy than I expected, but I really enjoy it. I really like the people that I'm working with and I really enjoy the students, so far. I work from 7:20am to 2:50pm. No weekends!! That makes me happy!
Well, that's it for now. I'm tired. John has been out of town this week. That, coupled with football practice, made for a nonstop week. I think I will go take a nap.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
I have a new job
Friday, August 15, 2008
Fun with Foam Shapes
This is what happens when you have 5 kids in your house that are all punch drunk. They were hilarious putting this together. Nonstop laughing. I love moments like that. And for those of you who don't know.....if you have a Wii....you can view pictures on your tv and do fun things with them. Ethan was trying to take a serious picture because he is posing as General Burnside, a Union General that fought at the battle of Fredericksburg. He made a huge mistake in that battle that got thousands of Union soldiers killed. But we just thought it was so funny that his name was Burnside and he had the biggest, puffiest sideburns we have ever seen.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Football Practice
Ethan.....my sweet little Ethan, is playing football. This is his first year. Practice started this week. No injuries yet, but they haven't really done any tackling yet. The tacklers practice on a different part of the field. Next week, they will come together. And that will be the real test, I think. For me and him. The weather has been beautiful. It feels like fall. This time of year I remind myself that this is one of the reasons I love Virginia. I had to put a jacket on last night.
Our schedule this fall is going to be daunting. Ethan has football practice 3 days a week with games on Saturday. John is playing tennis. Practice 2 days a week. I don't know when his games will be. Emily is playing soccer. I don't know about practice yet, but her games will be on Saturday. And she has dance 2 days a week. Oh, and don't forget about school and homework. Good golly!!
This is what football practice looks like for Emily.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Pictures of Ethan
Look at that face! Ethan takes his "battles" very seriously. He even got Congress involved in the last battle he told me about.
I love this boy! It has been so rewarding watching him grow and mature from a little boy who wouldn't even let his father hold him to an independent young man ready to take on the world. Until he was about 4, I was the only one he wanted. A TRUE momma's boy. BUT all that has changed in the last few years. Ethan and dad are making plans to go see some new Star Wars movie together. And guess what!! I am not invited. I love that he loves his daddy so much now, but I have to admit, my feelings are hurt just a little. I used to say that he would be the one to keep me out of nursing home. I had him pegged for someone who didn't stray too far from home. But I was SOOOO wrong. He'll make sure I have a good nursing home. But he is not going to hang around and feed me my jello. He's going to go find adventure. And I won't hold it against him.