More exciting developments on our house. The top picture is looking down the driveway from the road. The bottom picture is looking down the driveway from where the house will be. They also dug the trenches (I don't know what they are really called) and poured cement for the footers (whatever they are). I think they hold the house up. It will not be a slab foundation house. They don't do that up here. Anyway, it makes us very happy to see progress. It makes being patient so much easier. I was beginning to worry that they were never going to get started.
As for family news.....let's see.....Emily is going to be the star pig, Curly, in the first grade play tomorrow night. We are all very proud of her. Everyone is doing well in school.
Ethan had his first Market Day last week and earned $247 Scholar Dollars. Market Day is a yearlong project the 3rd graders do to help them learn about being producers and consumers. We had quite a little sweat shop here last week trying to get him ready. He could only sell things that he made. He sold flower necklaces, military dogtags, pictures that he drew, pictures that he colored, cannons, treasure chests, cookies, and his "big ticket" item was a medieval castle. We made a sign that listed his prices and at the bottom he told me to write "in big letters"......NO REFUNDS. I asked him if we could put Thanks, Come Again, instead. He thought about it for a minute and said, "nah". I laughed and laughed. Silly Boy!!
John is currently the star of 5th grade math. He made a 97 on the nine weeks math test, which was cumulative for the past nine weeks, half of which, he was not even here for. That was the highest grade in his class. We are so proud of him!!
As for John and I, we are doing the same old thing. I am getting settled in at my new job in the Emergency Department. It is very exciting and I really enjoy the people that I work with. John doesn't have any new news that I can think of. Just keeping at the daily grind. We are all trying to keep out from under each other's feet in this little apartment, but so far, everyone is getting along very well. Our love goes out to all of our family and friends.
I still cannot get over your "lot". Yer killin' me man!
hey yall i had 2 get a google to get here hey they found my dad isnt that exciting!they made him pay child suport and agh i love the feeling that they found my dad that makes things alot better!well alls 4 now over and out chou' auvwa kis kis
lol bya friend(tear)!
all of yall better sit back 4 these jokes all of yall
First soldier: "Pass me the chocolate pudding, would you?"
Second soldier: "No way, Jose!"
First soldier: "Whyever not?"
Second soldier: "It's against regulations to help another soldier to dessert!"
O Lord, hear my anxious plea
Calculus is killing me
I know not of 'dx' or 'dy'
And probably won't until the day I die.
Please, Lord, help me in this hour
As I take my case to the highest power.
I care not for fame or loot
Just help me find one square root.
And Lord, please let me see
One passing mark in organic chemistry.
Oh such a thing I constantly dread
I'd just as soon join the Marines instead.
Lord, please give me a sign
That you've been listening all the time.
Please lead me out of this constant coma
And give me a shot at my diploma.
Now I Lay Me
Down to Study,
I Pray the Lord I
Won't Go Nutty.
If I Should Fail to
Learn this Junk,
I Pray the Lord
I Will Not Flunk.
But If I Do,
Don't Pity Me at All,
Just Lay My Bones
In the Study Hall.
Tell My Prof
I Did My Best,
Then Pile My
Books upon My Chest.
Now I Lay Me
Down to Rest,
And Pray I'll Pass
Tomorrow's Test.
If I Should Die Before I Wake,
That's One less Test I'll Have to Take
Q: Why did the turtle cross the road?
A: To get to the Shell station!
to tha best family in tha world i tell u this ur family is plural!
love ya!
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