Sunday, March 28, 2010
Oh Justin Bieber.....
Say it like you're swooning. He is a 16 year old pop singer that all the little girls are so in love with. Emily had a birthday party last night, which coincided with the Kid's Choice Awards. He made an appearance and sang. I bet the neighbors heard all those little girls screaming. Then they started singing along and swaying. It was very entertaining. I wish I had been able to video tape that event. So, the party was a huge success. Everyone that Emily invited came and they were busy until 4:30 this morning. Oh, ya, mandatory naps today. The boys escaped by spending the night with a friend. And lucky for them. All in all, it was one of the most successful parties we have had. Yeah!! for Emily. A friend of mine spent the night as well to help with crowd control. Couldn't have done it without her. Thanks Melanie!! John has my camera in Korea, so Melanie took all the pictures with her camera. As soon as I get them from her I will post a few.
Monday, March 22, 2010
What were you doing
10 years ago today???? Well, right now, 10 years ago today, I was sitting on my couch, feeling terrible and wondering if Emily Gayle was ever going to be born. She was due on March 20th. I only went in to the doctor's office because I just felt bad. No contractions, nothing in particular, just felt like crap. And when I got there I was 5 centimeters dilated. If I had waited, Emily most likely would have been born in my living room floor. We were so glad to see her. Still couldn't believe I was going to have a sweet baby girl. Part of me expected the doctor to say "oops, it's a boy". What a joy it has been to be Emily's mom. So fun to watch her grow. Watch her personality blossom. She's a bit of a comedian. I wasn't expecting that. Very independent. And so generous. She loves her brothers even though they are stinky boys. Always giving others the benefit of the doubt. And she has been so sweet to me since I started school. She gives me pedicures. She likes to play restaurant. The kids will fix dinner and I have to come in and order. It's very cute. "What'll you have sugar?" Say it like a bubble gum chewing waitress. Very cute!
We are planning a Spring Theme birthday party. Flowers, flowers everywhere. 7 of her girlfriends are coming over Saturday for an overnight party. John's going to miss it all. Lucky Thing! John has my camera in Korea. Don't know what we will do for pictures. He was supposed to be back today, but got extended for another week. I think he planned it so he could miss the sleepover. I'm sure my next post will be from the closet where I will be hiding.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I think this one's a keeper

She has had a long week. Just Thursday we were going to take the stupid dumb dog for a walk. Emily was holding the leash. And Trooper, who never, ever, really cares about other dogs decided he was going to eat our neighbor's dog. A dog he knows and has gotten along with in the past. Well, I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this. Emily got drug for about 4 feet. Road rash to one knee, one elbow, and both hands. So, Trooper is grounded!! Stupid dumb dog. Everyone else is doing well. Emily is taking all the bad luck for us. I told you, she's tough. I was on Spring Break from school this week, which is quite a joke BECAUSE I had to do clinic hours, so there was really no break at all. I am more than half way, though. It won't be long. I made those chocolate covered marshmallows and they were FAB! YUM!! I wish I had some more today. They don't keep for very long. And NO, I did not eat them ALL! BUT, I did discover chocolate covered Peeps. And they were pretty good. I think I will get one today when I go to the grocery store. "OK, that's enough" from Ethan. He wants the computer. Alright, John will be home from Korea on the 30th. Looking forward to it. OH YA!!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Someone please help me
I am being held hostage by a horrible instructor. Frustrating. This class is so important and I want to learn about the drugs I'll be prescribing. This course is so intense, I think it could be a 2 semester course. Except for this class. She is telling us about medications in the geriatric population and it's all common sense things I already know. And I am already way wigged out because we had a REALLY hard test before lecture. So, maybe this is the best lecture to have since I am all wigged out. Well, good. I'm better now. Thanks for talking me through that. And so.......I'm still bored, so I will just meander through my brain and see what's floatin around in there. Someone hit my pretty car. So, Monday I took it in to be repaired and got a rental. And it smells like BO. Yaaaa, no fun. Thank goodness for olfactory exhaustion. That's what happens when you have smelled something for so long you don't smell it anymore. I don't think it's following me around. Noone is saying anything or gagging when I walk by. And I had some chocolate covered marshmallows this week. I L.O.V.E. them!! And now I am craving them so bad. I think I am going to make marshmallows this weekend. Won't that be fun. Then I can have them all weekend. And I'll have to have someone cut a whole in a wall so I can get out of my house. I am going shopping this weekend. I am desperate for a pair of black shoes. What else? I think that's it for now. Time for a potty break and a break from this dumb lecture.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I win
in the contest for who has the best kids. I win! Get your tissues....
John is in Korea, which is stressful for our whole family. He will only be there for a month, but it feels like it's been weeks already. And he only left last Friday. We already only get to see him on the weekends. So, take our weekend visits away for a month and we all get down in the dumps. Also, I am doing a women's health clinical this semester. I walk around all day feeling stupid. Noone, noone has a text book problem. And so, I am having to meld the perfect textbook cases with the real life experience of the clinic. And yesterday I had to drive myself home in the snow. And I don't even like to drive myself around on a sunny day. So, I was tired and stressed when I pulled into the garage last night. There was a note on the garage door that said to use the front door. I walked around to the front door and my beautiful children had a wonderful surprise waiting for me. They were all dressed in clothes that they would only wear under funeral circumstances. The house was immaculate. They were waiting at the front door to "check me in" to my evening getaway. A "suite" was reserved for me with dinner, dessert, and a movie. They made shrimp alfredo and brownies. We talked and talked while Ethan made dinner. John made my drink and Emily danced for me. We got to eat on the couch and watch a movie. Where the Wild Things Are. We all danced to the closing song. Okay, maybe I wouldn't really call it dancing. Fun nevertheless. It was BeAuTiFuL! It is good to be loved!! Dad will be so proud!
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