....or at least, all of our holiday traditions. We had a really nice Thanksgiving. We thought we wanted to go to Baltimore and have Thanksgiving there because there are some really fun Christmas Tree farms near there and we could just make a weekend of it. We planned to eat at Cracker Barrel for Thanksgiving dinner. It was a great plan. Really. Except that the forecast for Friday was rain, rain, rain, and more rain. I was starting to get sick Tuesday, a simple cold, but nonetheless, I was slightly fatigued, grouchy, ya know....not much different than normal, according to John. So, we went to a movie Thanksgiving day, A Christmas Carol. It was IMAX AND 3D. What more could you ask for? A better movie, actually. The affects/effects (I'm not sure which one) were great, but the movie itself was a little intense. Did not leave ready to go save all the Tiny Tims of the world. It should have been heart warming. Parts of it were a little scary. Anyway, back to the story....we decided to come home Thanksgiving day because of the forecasted rain in Baltimore on Friday. So, we did come home that day. Long trip. We did eat at Cracker Barrel. It was so yummy! Especially since I did not have to cook it myself. Came home. It rained Thanksgiving Day here at our house, so Friday we could not go to a Christmas Tree farm here because it was too muddy. So......did we go Saturday. NO, Heaven's no, this year we are all about breaking traditions and routines. We went to Lowe's on Friday night and got the biggest Christmas tree they had. It is truly, larger than life, exactly what Christmas is supposed to be. I feel like I should keep apologizing to the tree. It really should be somewhere it can be more appreciated and better decorated. But I love it! It makes me happy. I didn't think we were ever going to get it in the house. John had to cut a lot off the bottom and the top. It just didn't look that big at Lowe's. Now it's up and mostly decorated.....just waiting for the cat or the dog to come knock it over. I will have no mercy......