Emily's dance recital was this weekend. Isn't she just beautiful? She was in 3 performances. And she didn't let her broken arm get her down. She did such a good job. We are so proud of her. She was so tough. The finale started at 10:40pm. (long recital) I was dragging, but Emily was so energized by the whole thing. That's my girl!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
She really does deserve a "10"
Emily's dance recital was this weekend. Isn't she just beautiful? She was in 3 performances. And she didn't let her broken arm get her down. She did such a good job. We are so proud of her. She was so tough. The finale started at 10:40pm. (long recital) I was dragging, but Emily was so energized by the whole thing. That's my girl!
Friday, May 23, 2008
I can't believe I have only put 3 posts in for the month of May. We have been doing so much. John (dad) had a birthday on Monday. He got a GPS thingy for his truck. I have named her Sandy. And she is his "other woman". Noone exists in the truck when he is fooling with that thing. And here's what gets me.......when he KNOWS where he is going, he will still use the GPS!! ??????? I don't get it.
Emily's dance recital is tonight and tomorrow night. Wow!! What a busy week that has made for us. I am not a multitasker and I am easily overwhelmed (double whammy!) so, this has been a tough week. Practice every night and trying to make sure we have the right outfit on at the right time. Whew!! I need a vacation.
Here is the up side....John is on his way home from work, it's a beautiful day outside. Sunny, not too hot, not too cold. And I'm not at work. So, I'm going to go outside and soak up some sunshine. Our love to all.....have a great weekend.
Emily's dance recital is tonight and tomorrow night. Wow!! What a busy week that has made for us. I am not a multitasker and I am easily overwhelmed (double whammy!) so, this has been a tough week. Practice every night and trying to make sure we have the right outfit on at the right time. Whew!! I need a vacation.
Here is the up side....John is on his way home from work, it's a beautiful day outside. Sunny, not too hot, not too cold. And I'm not at work. So, I'm going to go outside and soak up some sunshine. Our love to all.....have a great weekend.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Breaking news.......
Emily had a follow up appointment with Dr. Kalluri yesterday. And her broken bone is in perfect alignment. Hippee Skippee!!! We love Dr. Kalluri, but his office was sooooo busy yesterday. It took FoREvEr to get out of there. Her appointment was at 10:40. Ethan went with us. John would have gone too, but he had a state aptitude test. Ironically, it's called the "SOL" test. It really stands for Standards of Learning, but I know what you're thinking. WhO thought that would be a good acronym??? Anyway, I digress.....So, her appointment was at 10:40. We didn't leave that place until almost 1, one, oNe, ONE pm. We were so hungry. Really, like we were going to start chewing on the furniture or each other's fingers! And we had to go to McDonald's. I will be SO very glad when I don't have to go there anymore. When we finished our lunch, which was about 30 seconds after we sat down, there was not a crumb left. Not one. Nothing left for the cockroaches.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
And the score for.....
a double back flip off a trampoline is.......

a perfect 10!!!! Way to go Emily!!!!
Wait.....that's not right....

Friday, Ethan and Emily were playing at a neighbors house and Emily did indeed do a double back flip off the trampoline, landed on her left arm. Meanwhile, I am on my way home from work. I am driving around the corner almost home and I see Emily laying in the grass beside the road. She had started walking home from the neighbor's house with Ethan and decided halfway home that she was hurting too bad and just laid down. Now....let me take this minute to brag on Ethan. Ethan offered to push Emily home on his bike, walked with her until she stopped and stayed with her until help came. He had dad's phone and called him from their spot beside the road. Told dad she wasn't dying, but they needed help. We are so proud of him. What a good brother!! So, back to the story. Emily was covered in dirt from head to toe. Got her home and cleaned up. The only thing she was complaining of was pain to her left arm. She wouldn't use it, but there was no deformity, no discoloration, good pulse, she could move her fingers, blah, blah, blah.... So, we decide to wait until the next day and see if she felt any better. WELL, she wimpered all night, didn't move an inch. So, I took her to the ER (mine because I know everybody--and all the right people were there). She has a fracture of her right radius. And so, I'm expecting that they will splint it and refer us to an orthopedic doctor like we always do. BUT, the ER doctor says the ortho doc will be coming in to evaluate. Hmm, well alright, I'm thinking, he wants to see it because it's a pediatric case. They always get more attention. So, Dr. Kalluri gets there and tells me (without any warning) that he wants to take Emily (my baby) to the OR, put her to sleep, reduce the fracture, and if it doesn't stay he will be putting a pin in. And, of course, he is saying all of this in front of Emily so I can't say "HOLY COW!" . That was NOT what I was expecting. Emily had Tylenol with Codeine for pain and ate 2, two, TWO crackers with it so it wouldn't upset her tummy, soooooo the anesthesiologist wouldn't take her in the OR until 3pm because her stomach wasn't empty. We found that out at 10am. So, Emily got admitted to the hospital to wait. And wait, and wait, and wait!!!! But we did find a bambi puzzle that only had 2 colors in it. Green and brown. That kept us busy! We also played I Spy until we had spied everything in the room. Finally, we got to go downstairs to the OR. The procedure took 20 minutes and the fracture was reduced successfully without the pin. Whew!!!! And Emily was SUCH a champ. Through all of it, she was very patient. I was so proud of her. The only time she got really upset was in radiology during the xray. They wanted her to stretch her out completely and it was just too much. The boys all stayed home and chewed their fingernails and paced the floor. And they were so good to her when we got home. The doctor thinks it will heal fine. We have to go back for an xray on Thursday to evaluate. The only downside is we didn't get a cast. She has a splint from wrist to arm pit. We wanted a pink cast. No luck. We will keep you posted on her progress.

After the procedure she finally got to eat and she was STARVING. Crackers never tasted so good, did they? And a grape popcicle!

We are READY to go home and just waiting for the nurse to come take the IV out. She even had her shoes on. She was ready to bolt!

a perfect 10!!!! Way to go Emily!!!!
Wait.....that's not right....
Friday, Ethan and Emily were playing at a neighbors house and Emily did indeed do a double back flip off the trampoline, landed on her left arm. Meanwhile, I am on my way home from work. I am driving around the corner almost home and I see Emily laying in the grass beside the road. She had started walking home from the neighbor's house with Ethan and decided halfway home that she was hurting too bad and just laid down. Now....let me take this minute to brag on Ethan. Ethan offered to push Emily home on his bike, walked with her until she stopped and stayed with her until help came. He had dad's phone and called him from their spot beside the road. Told dad she wasn't dying, but they needed help. We are so proud of him. What a good brother!! So, back to the story. Emily was covered in dirt from head to toe. Got her home and cleaned up. The only thing she was complaining of was pain to her left arm. She wouldn't use it, but there was no deformity, no discoloration, good pulse, she could move her fingers, blah, blah, blah.... So, we decide to wait until the next day and see if she felt any better. WELL, she wimpered all night, didn't move an inch. So, I took her to the ER (mine because I know everybody--and all the right people were there). She has a fracture of her right radius. And so, I'm expecting that they will splint it and refer us to an orthopedic doctor like we always do. BUT, the ER doctor says the ortho doc will be coming in to evaluate. Hmm, well alright, I'm thinking, he wants to see it because it's a pediatric case. They always get more attention. So, Dr. Kalluri gets there and tells me (without any warning) that he wants to take Emily (my baby) to the OR, put her to sleep, reduce the fracture, and if it doesn't stay he will be putting a pin in. And, of course, he is saying all of this in front of Emily so I can't say "HOLY COW!" . That was NOT what I was expecting. Emily had Tylenol with Codeine for pain and ate 2, two, TWO crackers with it so it wouldn't upset her tummy, soooooo the anesthesiologist wouldn't take her in the OR until 3pm because her stomach wasn't empty. We found that out at 10am. So, Emily got admitted to the hospital to wait. And wait, and wait, and wait!!!! But we did find a bambi puzzle that only had 2 colors in it. Green and brown. That kept us busy! We also played I Spy until we had spied everything in the room. Finally, we got to go downstairs to the OR. The procedure took 20 minutes and the fracture was reduced successfully without the pin. Whew!!!! And Emily was SUCH a champ. Through all of it, she was very patient. I was so proud of her. The only time she got really upset was in radiology during the xray. They wanted her to stretch her out completely and it was just too much. The boys all stayed home and chewed their fingernails and paced the floor. And they were so good to her when we got home. The doctor thinks it will heal fine. We have to go back for an xray on Thursday to evaluate. The only downside is we didn't get a cast. She has a splint from wrist to arm pit. We wanted a pink cast. No luck. We will keep you posted on her progress.
After the procedure she finally got to eat and she was STARVING. Crackers never tasted so good, did they? And a grape popcicle!
We are READY to go home and just waiting for the nurse to come take the IV out. She even had her shoes on. She was ready to bolt!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

my new camera. I love it! It takes SOOO much better pictures than that sorry Cannon I had. I am a happy girl. AND, it was on sale!
Nothing could be better! Went shopping the other day. Found my camera, for the price I wanted to pay. Found a good smell at Bath and Body Works.....on sale. What a day! I went shopping today and bought new clothes. And now I am sitting on the back porch (because the weather here is GORGEOUS!) in one of my new outfits. And, FINALLY, the weather here is really nice. The sky is a pale blue with big white puffy clouds. The trees look so green with their leaves blowing in the breeze.
We are planning to work in the yard this weekend. We are going to cut some trees blocking our view of the lake and some that have potential to fall on the house. Well, John and one of his friends is going to cut trees and I will be driving the tractor. I am very excited. Hopefully, I will not wreck it. It is a prized possession, you know.
School will be out on June 12th. Not fair. If we were in Texas, school would be out at the end of May. The kids think they are getting cheated. I say it is less time for them to get into trouble. Ethan has been seeing a commercial advertising summer learning programs. The commercial tells you that children lose 2.5 months of information in the summer and they should all go to this particular learning center to retain all that "valuable knowledge". Like a Sylvan Learning Center. Well, now, Ethan is scared to death that he is going to become the village idiot by the end of summer so he wants to go. He has the phone number written down in several places so we can call. They are planning to go to several summer camps. Ethan and Emily are going back to Pamplin Historical Park this summer. They go for 3 days and live the life of a Civil War Soldier. Not sure what they will do with Emily (this will be her first year there), but I'm sure she will have fun. Emily wants to go to dance camp and Ethan wants to go 4H camp. Not sure about that one. It's all week long, including nights. The paranoid mother in me is not sure if she can allow that. John wants to work all summer. He is mowing lawns.
Alright, well, I want a piece of chocolate and a soda pop, so I must bid farewell to all my fans. Ya'll come back soon.
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