If there are any animal acitvists out there, please help me!! And hurry!! Any PETA members out there? I'm an extremely well behaved German Shepherd, named Trooper, living in a house full of nuts. There I was, one day, minding my own business when all the sudden those two crazy boys came running into my room. Well, the whole house is mine, though, I have a hard time training those morons. And we are going to come to BLOWS over my access to the kitchen! I was lying on my bed with my stuffed bear, Yogi, and those goofy boys came running into the room. Shut the door so I couldn't escape. They trapped me and made me wear that ugly orange shirt. WHO picked that out??? And then they took pictures of me. Oh, the humiliation!! They even made a video. I'll post it later. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. I'm such a good dog. I wait on the porch for them to get off the bus. I treat them so well and THIS is the thanks I get???? Uh-oh, I think someone is coming. Please help me! Don't leave a poor dog here to live through this torture.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
On the road again.....
Guess what!!! I am updating my blog driving down the road.....well, John is driving. What fun! Love the wireless internet today. I just wish it were faster at the house.
We are on our way to Richmond. John (son) is in a casting (fishing) tournament today. He won the preliminary tournament. And we didn't even know it was a contest! It was at a sporting goods store and some guys were there helping kids learn to cast better. We thought it was just for fun, but, in fact, it was a contest and John won. What a boy!! Way to go John!
Alright, we will let you know how he does on the way home!
We are on our way to Richmond. John (son) is in a casting (fishing) tournament today. He won the preliminary tournament. And we didn't even know it was a contest! It was at a sporting goods store and some guys were there helping kids learn to cast better. We thought it was just for fun, but, in fact, it was a contest and John won. What a boy!! Way to go John!
Alright, we will let you know how he does on the way home!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
I am SO multitasking!! I love my new house. I am updating my blog, making dinner, visiting with my family, and watching TV. What do you think about that?? Of course, we are watching Underdog, so I don't know if that one really counts. But since my kitchen is open to living room, I can do it all. Life is grand! Right now, that is. I reserve the right to change my mind at any given moment, without giving notice to anyone!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A Cold Weekend in Virginia
It got so cold here this weekend, we thought we would have ice cream. Sounds good, doesn't it? It is 19 degrees outside right now. Brrrr! Our low for tonight is 9 degrees.
John is still sick. I keep caving and letting him go outside. Poor thing. He just can't stand to see his dad working outside in the yard and him not be able to go out too. John (dad) cut some trees down and burned a lot of underbrush this weekend. We have a much better view of the lake now. So, John looks better in the morning and he is coughing up a storm by evening.
Alright, I'm not that exciting tonight. I'm sleep deprived. I didn't get to sleep last night either. John woke me up in the middle of the night to hand him something that was TWO feet from him. But he's sick, so he's not strong enough to reach that far. Poor John!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Let Sleeping Moms Lie

This is the picture I was trying to upload the other day. I think it just has to be 2 in the morning . I started this post in the middle of the night, but I was keeping John awake. And so here is how the night went. My husband woke me up at 11, John (who is sick) woke me at at 1. Had to get him water and medicine. Ethan woke me up at 2 having leg cramps. Had to run him a warm bath and get him a glass of water. John woke me up at 4. Ethan was awake and trying to play the Wii. ???? What the heck??? It was keeping John awake. He was sleeping on the couch. So, Ethan had to come to my room and watch TV (which I hate having the TV on at night) because he couldn't sleep. But his leg cramps were resolved, thank goodness. So, then John woke me up at 5 AGAIN, just to make sure he could get me if he needed me. And then, my husband woke me up at 8 all chipper. GO AWAY!!! AND SO, Emily is the only one I like today. She slept like an angel all night long without interrupting my unrest.
Friday, January 18, 2008
I don't know if you can tell, but that is snow. Great big fat snowflakes. It was so much fun to drive in. I had a hard time watching the road. I just wanted to watch the snowflakes racing towards me. What a fun day. Well, a fun few hours. It turned to rain at lunch time. The kids got cheated because they had to go to school. Ethan is standing right here agreeing. His poor lips are so chapped. They are so red. It looks like he let Tammy Faye put lipstick on him. Poor guy! John has tonsilitis. We are trying to keep him on the couch and drinking fluids, but he just wants to be outside. It ain't easy bein' the bad guy. He just thinks we are mean.
That's all I have for now. It's supposed to snow here again tomorrow. Can't wait! And by the way, the heater is fixed. So, if it snows, we will not be freezing.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I'm frfrfrfreeeeezzziinnggg
Oh my word!!! Can't stand the heat pump! It is frozen, yet again! 61 degrees inside the house. Is it the heat pump or the operators??? Can't tell. You'd think all you have to do turn the stupid thing on to the temperature that you want and it will heat the house. That is WAY too much to ask for! And the snotty receptionist at Stupid Heating and Air wants you to know they will NOT be out today and they don't care if we freeze to death in our sleep. Be watching the obituaries! They will be happy to come tomorrow if we will kindly leave our house open for the repairman to come in to our home unsupervised. If you are wondering why we don't call someone else, we are chained to them by the warranty.
OK, I feel much better now. And let me say, yet again, how happy I am to have my new toy, so I can sit in front of the fireplace and play. Although, I need to get a couple of things done before John gets home from work.
I was putting pictures onto my laptop from cds yesterday. So, of course, I had to look through all of them. I can't believe how big my kids have gotten. Precious little things! It's good to look at pictures of them young. I think it keeps me from beating them now that they are bigger and sometimes very snotty. John was very lucky this morning that I looked at all those pictures last night, yes he was!! Moving like molasses this morning and missed the bus. And somehow that was MY fault??? And then Ethan walked out of his bedroom in jeans that looked like they have been rumpled and thrown under the bed and his shirt on backwards. How old is he again?? But cute, they're both cute as they can be. Emily was lovely, getting along with everyone, just dressed in a brown plaid skirt, flowered stockings, and a shirt that didn't match any of that. We changed her skirt and just ran with the rest of it. We all feel a little eccentric from time to time.
OK, now for a picture and I'll get out of your hair. Well, now you get to hear me cuss about something else. My pictures are too big to upload to my site because my internet is too slow. Does anyone out there know how to make my picture file smaller??? Anyway, I'll upload a picture another time when I can use WiFi
OK, I feel much better now. And let me say, yet again, how happy I am to have my new toy, so I can sit in front of the fireplace and play. Although, I need to get a couple of things done before John gets home from work.
I was putting pictures onto my laptop from cds yesterday. So, of course, I had to look through all of them. I can't believe how big my kids have gotten. Precious little things! It's good to look at pictures of them young. I think it keeps me from beating them now that they are bigger and sometimes very snotty. John was very lucky this morning that I looked at all those pictures last night, yes he was!! Moving like molasses this morning and missed the bus. And somehow that was MY fault??? And then Ethan walked out of his bedroom in jeans that looked like they have been rumpled and thrown under the bed and his shirt on backwards. How old is he again?? But cute, they're both cute as they can be. Emily was lovely, getting along with everyone, just dressed in a brown plaid skirt, flowered stockings, and a shirt that didn't match any of that. We changed her skirt and just ran with the rest of it. We all feel a little eccentric from time to time.
OK, now for a picture and I'll get out of your hair. Well, now you get to hear me cuss about something else. My pictures are too big to upload to my site because my internet is too slow. Does anyone out there know how to make my picture file smaller??? Anyway, I'll upload a picture another time when I can use WiFi
Sunday, January 13, 2008
My new toy
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Please tell me why.....
Monday, January 7, 2008
The Much Awaited Update
Thank you to all of our wonderful family who sent Christmas presents! Ethan bought a new game and new controller with his Christmas money, John bought a new pellet gun (I'll be boarding up all the windows tomorrow!), and Emily made a visit to the Build-A-Bear workshop! They are so happy! They say they can't remember a better Christmas. Me either! Christmas in my OWN house with ALL of my family under one roof! I couldn't ask for more.
And now for the update.....We are well. The kids are back in school. Emily is happy about that. Ethan wants us to believe that he is not happy about it. But he really is. John is not happy about it at all.
John left today to go to some school for the military. Home on Friday, but still, I'm sad. Feeling sorry for myself. AND, the primer that I got for the boys bathroom (supposed to be gray--Pewter Steel, to be exact) looks an awful lot like lavender. But don't tell them. They haven't noticed. So, we will have to regroup for the actual paint. Emily told me the funniest joke today.
How do you make a tissue dance? The answer........you put a little boogie in it! Is that so cute? I love second grade jokes!
I got a ticket last week. Two, actually. Both at the same time, though. I ran a stop sign. Which I did, but he said I BLEW through it. That is ridiculous. You could see for miles. I could see cars coming and if I stopped I would have to wait for those cars. If I just went, I could make it. And make it to work on time. So, I didn't stop. I coasted. Well, it was dark. So, my advice is.......if you are going to do that trick (and I'm sure you all have before) do it in the daylight. So, that is ticket number one. Ticket number two is that my driver's license was in John's wallet. He had to make a copy of it for something and I forgot to put it back in my wallet. Good for me! So, now I am a multiple offender. And, of course, that increases the fine! John was quite proud! My inspection is expired. If he had seen that, perhaps he would have just taken me to jail. I would love to get the car inspected, but I can't find the title. I'M A MESS!!
BUT, on the upside......my birthday is coming up!!! Ya'll don't forget. I am getting a new laptop. I cannot wait! It will be shipped to me on January 11th. Hippy Skippy!! And for those of you who want to know how old I will be, I'll be 29. I'm not afraid to say it.
OK...that's enough of me for tonight. More later......
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