We have been poolside this week. Working on our glowing tans! The kids always have a ball. And they sleep so well, I get double benefits. We all have a good time and I get a quiet peaceful evening! Ah, the joys of parenting.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Our Exciting Day
We have been poolside this week. Working on our glowing tans! The kids always have a ball. And they sleep so well, I get double benefits. We all have a good time and I get a quiet peaceful evening! Ah, the joys of parenting.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Civil War Camp
Civil War Camp is over. The final day was a reenactment of the battle that actually took place there. The war was also decided that day too....in the interest of time. And for those of you who don't know--the Union won. The boys had a great time. Ethan cried himself to sleep last night saying "it should have been longer" over and over.
Emily didn't want to be left out of pictures. And she's so cute! Who wouldn't want a picture of Emily??
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Summer is Here
All the windows are in. The door is on. It will be painted black. The plumbing is now in. That was really fast. It only took a couple of days. Now the electric goes in. Almost all the essentials are in place. We could just move in. Well....when the A/C gets hooked up!
The kids are out of school. They are very excited. The boys are in Civil War Camp this week. They are having fun! They started off as farmers and were recruited to join the army in 1864. John was a doctor recruited by the union army. Ethan was a hotel keeper recruited by the union army. They (all the kids) got in trouble for "gambling" yesterday. John came home with 72 confederate dollars. Ethan came home with 2. They got union army caps and nap sacks. They learned how to load their powder and bullets and shoot. They are already talking about going back next year. Emily and I went grocery shopping at the commissary yesterday. She wanted to use the self checkout. So, Emily "deeted" all of our groceries and I bagged them. AND she did not need ANY help. She was quick. She did it cheerfully, even. It just begs the question......If a 7 year old girl can do it that well, why can't the cashiers at Walmart do it that well????? She's just perfect, that's all!
Friday, June 15, 2007
5th Grade Graduation
Way to go John!! It was a tough adjustment to a new school. So far away from home and so far ahead of where he was in his class in Texas. John is a tough kid, though, and he didn't give up. As you can tell from the pictures, this whole graduation ceremony was not for John. He was not very excited about it all. Just give him his report card and let him go home.
He is such a good boy! One of the three coolest kids I know! We are very proud of him.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Still here
We are still here. I have been lazy about updating lately. I am having a hard time adjusting to being actually having a real job again. I never have enough time to get anything done. I'm always tired. And I'm always whining.
So, in the past couple of weeks we have seen great progress on the house. The roof is almost 100% completed. Doesn't it look great?? The windows were delivered on Monday and those guys worked fast. I checked on them in the morning. They were getting started on the first window. When I got back in the afternoon, they were almost done with all the windows. No progress today because of the rain, I guess.
We picked out cabinets last Thursday. That was fun! Now we are trying to make them fit into our budget. That's not as much fun. Not really fun at all.
School is out tomorrow. Hooray! The kids are so excited! By Tuesday they will be saying how bored they are. We are planning to spend a lot of time at the pool. When we are not at the pool, we will be at the beach. John and Ethan are going to Civil War Camp next week. Emily starts summer dance in early July. Poor John is going to summer school in July. He doesn't have to. His grades were ok, but he was just so far behind where the 5th graders were here in Virginia. We want him to be able to start 6th grade confidently. So, mom and dad are the bad guys. John is taking it pretty well. He's a good boy!
Alright, that's all I have for now. Love to all!