As promised, here are pictures of John, Ethan, and Emily at the Aquarium in Virginia Beach. What fun we had. On the way down, John, Ethan, and Emily played a fun game of Congress. Ethan was the House of Representatives, Emily was the President, and John served a double role of the Senate and the Supreme Court Judge. Ethan and John wrote laws. Ethan wanted to invade China. They sent their laws to Emily and she happily and quite giggly vetoed all of them. Ethan then informed her that he and John overrode her veto and sent troops to China without her permission. 50,000 Marines to be exact. John decided they were both crazy.
We had fun at the Aquarium. We got to watch otters eat their snacks. We couldn't believe how big some of those fish are. They look just like the fish that you see swimming in aquariums at home, but HUGE! The big attraction was the sharks. I took the picture with the sting ray just in time to see him swimming in front of the kids. They thought that was so cool. And the Indian heritage is such a big part of the history of this part of the country, there has to be a Powhatan hut everywhere we go.
We celebrated Mother's Day today since I am working tomorrow. And what a good day it was. I got great presents. New shoes and jewelry. My favorites! John had the kids tell me about a moment when me being their mommy made them feel really special. That was wonderful! I have the best kids in the world. They make me feel so special. They are so unique and wonderful. I love watching them grow.